Monday, February 18, 2013

Brazil - Taxation and Location

By Vered Nets - CEO and Luiz Cezar Giacomazi - Financial and Tax Consultant Brazil

A country’s tax regime is always a key factor for any business considering moving into new markets. What is the corporate tax rate?   Are there any incentives for overseas businesses?    Are there double tax treaties in place?    How will foreign source income be taxed?
Brazil is a Federative Republic, and each of the 26 states and the Federal District have their own legislation. This gives rise to 27 regulations on indirect state taxes, meaning varying application, administration and compliance rules in each state. Brazilian taxes are regulated in three levels: Federal, State and Municipal. In this article illustrates the structure of tax payments levied on corporates doing business in and with Brazil.

Most Important Taxes charged on a Federal level

IRPJ corporate income tax
The tax consists of a base tax of 15%, and additional surtax of 10% on annual income over R$ 240,000.00. Tax is charged on worldwide income for residents of Brazil. Some foreign tax relief and credits can be allowed under specific tax treaties.

CSLL Social Security 
The contribution is levied at a general rate of 9%.
For financial institutions, private insurance companies and capitalization
companies, the rate is 15%.

PIS  social contribution tax
Social Integration Program (PIS) tax; levied on gross income at a rate of 1.65%; the tax is a non-cumulative tax for certain taxpayers; certain companies, including local financial institutions and companies that manufacture goods in the Manaus Free Trade Zone, are subject to the cumulative regime and make the contribution at a 0.65% rate; the tax is also levied on imports of goods and services at a rate of 1.65%

COFINS Contribution for Social Security Financing tax
Social security financing contribution (COFINS); levied on gross income at a rate of 7.6%; the tax is a non-cumulative (VAT-type) tax for certain taxpayers; certain companies, including local financial institutions and companies that manufacture goods in the Manaus Free Trade Zone, are subject to the cumulative regime and make the contribution at a 3% rate; the tax is also levied on imports of goods and services at a rate of 7.6%

IPI federal “production” tax.
Brazil does not have VAT as such. Two types of value added type taxes exist in Brazil: State value added sales and services tax (ICMS) and federal excise tax (IPI). This federal tax is levied on industrialization of products when sold by industrializing establishment. Its rate is around 20% depending on the product manufactured, top rates applies to luxury or superfluous goods, such as alcoholic beverages and cigarettes  

CIDE  Economic domain intervention contribution Tax
Levied on payments to non-residents. Applies to royalty payments, technology transfers and compensation of technology supply, and technical assistance. Rate at 10%.

IOF financial transaction tax
Foreign exchange transaction levied at varying rates on loans and credit operations, certain foreign exchange transactions, insurance and securities transactions. Rated between 0.36% to 6% depending on the type of the transaction.

Taxes charged on a State level

ICMS Tax on Goods and Services
This tax is charged on sales or physical movement of goods, on freight, transportation, and communication services. Every manufacturer, distributor, retailer or provider of almost every type of merchandise or service pays the state ICMS and passes the cost along to the consumer. Because this tax is largely a "hidden" tax, in that it is not noted on any receipt nor directly on the price of the goods, most Brazilian consumers have no idea how much the ICMS is actually costing them. ICMS rate is between 0% to 25% (the average is 17%). ICMS is the most significant source of tax revenue, reaching up to 90% of the total collected.  Each state has its own categorization of services and goods.
Just a small example, in the picture is a comparison of percentage paid for electric services in few states of Brazil.

IPVA vehicle tax
Applied to the possession of motorized vehicles (cars, trucks, motorcycles, airplanes, boats, etc). IPVA is paid by the owner of a motorized vehicle. Rate from 2% to 5% depending on the type of vehicle and changes from state to state.

Taxes charged on a Municipal level

ISS  Tax on Services
Paid by all entities registered and doing business within a city. The exact rate varies depending upon the individual municipality or city. The ISS applies to services that come from or that have started abroad. Therefore, every time a contract is signed with companies abroad and the service is provided, the Brazilian contract party will be liable to taxation, regardless the actual payment. The value charged varies according to the municipality, so it is important to check the ISS legislation of the municipality where the company is located. Tax rates varies from 2% to 5%
For example: in Rio de Janeiro, system analyses, development and programing services will be charged at 5% but if the development is registered as local it will be charged at 2%.

IPTU  Real Estate Tax
Yearly property tax on houses, condominiums, apartments, etc., based upon the value of the property.  Varies from 0.6% up to 14% of the assessed value of the property, depends on the municipality concerned.

Super Simple !

On 2007, the Brazilian tax authorities issued standard instructions to regulate the simplified tax regime (super simples) announced by the Brazilian government through Complementary Law n° 123/2006.
The new regulation authorizes companies under this regime—those with annual gross revenues of up to R$360,000  to pay a single tax instead of the following federal, state, and municipal taxes:
    • IRPJ                      federal, corporate income tax
    • CSLL                    federal, social contribution on net income
    • PIS and COFINS  federal, contributions levied on income
    • IPI                         federal, excise tax
    • ICMS                    state, taxes on goods and services
    • ISS                        municipal, services tax

Meaning paying all taxes at once, this signifies an all less burden and confusion for those companies.


Brazil offers incentives through the reduction of domestic taxes or exemption from withholding tax in the forwarding of royalties or commissions on international financing. In addition to incentives for exports, there are incentives for the implementation of industrial units in specific regional areas.
There are also some programs linked to research activities or technological and cultural activities. The most important of these are:
    • Fiscal incentives for new projects in Brazil North and North East
    • Fiscal incentives for development and new technologies
    • Fiscal incentives for new projects in Brazil (Petroleum- Repenec, Aviation – Retaero)
    • Special basis of taxation for the export of IT services
    • Special tax incentives for exporting companies in the acquisition of fixed assets and equipment
    • Special tax incentives for computer manufacturing companies investing in new technology
One more incentive that is important is the Mercosur agreement - it is a Free Trade Agreement among five countries in Latin America. Israel joined this agreement since 2005, and the agreement is gradually revealing its power. It should be noted that Israel is the only country outside of Latin America to have such an agreement with the Mercosur countries.


ICMS   Imposto sobre a Circulação de Mercadorias e Prestação de Serviços de Transporte Interestadual e Intermunicipal e de Comunicação
CSLL    Contribuicao social sobre o licro liquido
IPI        Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados
ISS       Imposto sobre Serviços
COFINS Contribuição para Financiamento da Seguridade Social
PIS       Programa de Integração Social
IOF      Imposto sobre Operações Financeiras
IPTU    Imposto predial territorial urbano
CIDE    Contribuição de Intervenção no Domínio Econômico
CPMF Contribuição Provisória sobre Movimentação ou Transmissão de Valores e de Créditos e Direitos de Natureza Financeira
IPVA    Imposto sobre a Propriedade de Veículos Automotores

Please note that this publication should not be regarded as offering a complete explanation of the taxation matters that are contained within this publication. For tax consultation please contact

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